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Kenya Avery Knight founded Nous Model Management Inc. in February 1998. Nous is the French word for “We” or “Us” and was chosen to highlight the importance of a team-oriented relationship between a model and their agency. Kenya has remained proud to say NOUS is “family style!” 

For 25 years, Nous Model Management Inc. operated as a full-service booking agency and mother agency in Los Angeles, California. In June 2022, Kenya decided to return to her roots and focus on doing all the wonderful things that compelled her to choose the modeling industry as her career. Now known as Nous Management Inc., the agency has evolved into a management firm focusing on mother agency.
What is a Mother Agent? A Mother Agent discovers and develops a model, then facilitates placement with modeling agencies worldwide. Should a model feel their goals are not being met, or they are wanting more dedicated support, a Mother Agent can also offer “fresh eyes” on an existing career. A mother agent consistently reviews a model’s goals, offers advice, and ensures that they are building and maintaining success. Kenya’s principal philosophy is that a good mother agent is a strong “advocate”.
Advocacy means getting support from another person to help you express your views and wishes, and help you stand up for your rights.
Our visionary team is looking forward to connecting with you, and, together, WE will elevate your modeling career to new heights!


“The Mother Agents” Interview Kenya Knight

Kenya Knight Appears on “The Tyra Banks Show” to discuss modeling scam

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